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3 Reasons to Stop Feeling Guilty About a Move to Assisted Living

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It’s natural to feel guilty that you can no longer take care of your parent or relative, but that doesn’t mean that guilt is warranted. When caring for someone you love at home or by yourself has become dangerous or has led to burnout, it’s completely reasonable and beneficial to both you and them to look for help. And asking for help is never something to feel guilty about.

That being said, it can be difficult to keep those guilty feelings at bay – so let’s take a look at three reasons why you can stop feeling guilty about a move to assisted living.

You Are Still a Great Caregiver

Being a great caregiver doesn’t mean you take on all the responsibilities. You can still be there for your mom or dad, be a great caregiver, and move them into an assisted living facility.

Don’t compare yourself to others who are taking care of their parents. You don’t know their exact situation. They could be run off their feet and need extra help as well!

Also, everyone’s situation is different. If you feel like you need help or someone is at risk of being injured, now is the perfect time to move your loved one to assisted living. Moving them can help your health and theirs – and what makes someone a better caregiver than that?

You Can’t Do Everything

No one can do everything, and while it’s commendable that you’d like to try (especially for your loved one) it’s just not possible. Everyone needs help, and that includes a caregiver. Part of that help can include letting someone else take over some of the caregiving responsibilities. Our staff at Care Cardinal is more than happy to help.

With less responsibility on you, your loved one is getting the care they need and you get a break. This ensures both of you are at your best.

Your Parent Won’t Be Miserable

Part of your guilt may be that you think your parent or loved one will be miserable in assisted living. But, in most cases, that couldn’t be further from the truth. They have survived and thrived for years. Chances are they will do the same at assisted living as well. 

With new people to meet, a whole staff to take care of them, and plenty of activities to take part in, they will acclimate to their new surroundings in no time. They may make new friends, learn to trust their new care team, have their needs met, and maybe even find a new hobby or two. 

Your loved one may be scared to make the move as well, but once moved in, chances are that they will see there is nothing to be afraid of. They’ll see how much they enjoy it – and that it takes some of the responsibility off your shoulders.

You are still part of their care team, can see them as often as you like, and be their advocate when necessary. But you can also live your life, too.

Contact Us

Selecting the right assisted living facility for your loved one can go a long way to relieving some of the guilt you may feel. Our staff at Care Cardinal is more than happy to answer all of your questions. For more information on our services, locations, and amenities, call us at 616-699-2014 or contact us through our online form.