Our Communities

Assisted Living Dining

3 meals per day

Assisted living offers 24-hour care by our professional team. Our assisted living residents can enjoy three home-cooked meals per day in our communal dining area. Our team is also available to assist with eating or meal preparation as needed based on your loved one’s capabilities. Our dining area and helpful staff make it easy for your loved one to access meals and not worry about washing dishes or cleaning up spills.

Our Assisted Living

Memory Care Dinning

3 meals per day

Our memory care communities offer three homecooked meals per day designed to help your loved one enjoy some of their favorite comforts. Our friendly medical team is on hand to assist with eating and mobility, providing a calm and positive environment for your loved one, along with facilitating socialization and making connections. Our team can assist with specific dietary needs or accommodations at our memory care communities.

Our Memory Care


at Care Cardinal

You can find our unique communities across the greater West Michigan area. With different levels of care and family-like cultures, each community has something to offer. Contact us today to schedule a tour or request more information.

Alger Heights, MI

A unique approach to assisted living and memory care in Alger Heights, MI that feels like home care with all the benefits of a professional…

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Belmont, MI

A unique and intimate care setting focused on memory care with a community-focused approach in Belmont, MI.

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Macatawa, MI

An intimate and unique space dedicated to providing personal assisted care with a universal experience in Macatawa, MI.

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Contact Us

for More Dining Information

Contact our team today to learn more about our dining menus, accommodations, meal plans, and more. Fill out our online contact form to get in touch with our friendly team here in the West Michigan area.

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