The Independent Living neighborhood is designed for seniors who are still managing their own care. However, there are services and amenities available to them to make life easier and safer.
Carport parking is available for those who wish to keep a personal vehicle and come and go from the neighborhood as they please. However, they may choose to also utilize our shuttle service, which makes regular, convenient trips to grocery stores.
Independent Living residents can also enjoy prepared meals, laundry service, and housekeeping. These services are not just convenient; everyday chores can pose a fall risk to seniors.
If an accident is to occur, a call system is available to Independent Living residents. Families can rest assured that help is available and nearby 24/7 should their loved one need assistance.
There are many activities that our Independent Living residents are encouraged to participate in, ranging from crafts and board games to group outings to restaurants or the zoo. We encourage our residents to make friends with their neighbors and try something new.
To learn more about Byron Center Manor and our Independent Living neighborhood, contact us online or call (616) 878-3300.